Search Filters

The Search filters enable you to identify ad-hoc audiences based on search behaviors.


Audience Insights uses Yahoo Search data to identify the categories those consumers are searching and the keywords they use.

Search Filters

Fig. 24 Search Filters

The Audience Insights UI displays two search filters:

Table 14 Search Filters
Search Filter Description
Search Categories The Search Categories filter enables you to identify audiences based the topics they are searching for using Yahoo Search.
Search Keyword The Search Keyword filter enables you to identify audiences based the keywords used in Yahoo Search.

You may specify multiple criteria in each search filter or combine criteria specified in different filters to expand or hone filtering criteria.


Search data is derived from Yahoo data sources. To learn more about the sources of Audience Insights data, see Search Data.

Keep in mind that parameters are inclusive (logical OR) if they are specified within a single filter and restrictive (logical AND) if specified across multiple filters. To learn more, see filtering-logic.

Search Categories

The Search Categories filter enables you to identify audiences based the topics they are searching for using Yahoo Search.

Search Keywords

The Search Keyword filter enables you to identify audiences based the keywords used in Yahoo Search.

Special Characters

The search fields in the left navigation bar are case insensitive. The keyword search is aligned as a word boundary.

Audience Insights supports the following special characters in queries:

Character Description
Asterisk (*) A wildcard character that implies a match of 0 or more characters including digits and characters.
Space ( ) A logical AND operator that exists between words by default. Word order is ignored: pear juice and juice pear are equivalent.
Comma (,) A logical OR operator for multiple keywords.
Quotation Mark (“) Denotes an exact match.

Search Examples

In the chart below, you will find notes explaining how special characters function and helpful recommendations about keywords.

Query Returns
pear pear, pear juice, apple pear
“pear” pear
pear* pear, pear juice, apple pear, pears, pears’s
“pear*” pear*
*pear pear, pear juice, apple pear, appear
pe*ar pear, pear juice, apple pear, pekar, pencil car
*pear* pear, pear juice, apple pear, appear, pearl, appearance, pears’s
pear juice pear juice, juice pear, pear and orange juice
“pear juice” pear juice
pear*juice pear juice, juicepear, pear and orange juice
pear,juice pear juice, juice pear, orange juice, apple pear, juice
pear* juice* pear juice, juice pear, pear juices, pears juice, appears juice